Cabbage White / T22_09272005_L1 / Scene 01
Male hovering, almost touching, right behind a female refusing to mate.

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Specimen = Cabbage white (Pieris rapae), Male and Female; Wing span = 1 3/4 - 2 1/4 inches (4.5 - 5.8 cm); Action = Male hovering, almost touching, right behind a female refusing to mate. ; View = at eye lebel; Camera Distance = 9 in; Focus = excellent; Exposure = excellent; Special Effect = none; Shutter speed = 1/2000; Date = September 27, 2005; Time = late PM; Location = Rutgers Display Garden, new Brunswick, NJ, USA; Video taken by M. Denda; © 2005 by M. Denda.

Special thanks to Martin Holecko for his work with jsImagePlay.