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Insect Flight

Image Sequences, Movies and Pictures
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Copyright info:

Movies and pictures in this site are all taken and copyrighted by Mitch Denda. It is not allowed to use them without permission of the author.



My MAE website

Revised on
(APRIL 28, 2011)

Welcome to "Insect Flight "...

Gravatar example

This is a multi-media site of insect flight for research, education and entertainment. It contains image sequences of insect flight, non-flight movies and pictures of insects.

Each scene of the movie of the insect flight is taken with a high shutter speed (typically 1/2000 sec) in the field. After editing the movie, it is deinterlaced and its image sequence is produced by VirtualDub. Non-flight segments are discarded to produce multiple flight segments from each scene.

Image sequences are also taken from high speed movies without deinterlacing. The frame rate ranges from 300 to 1200 fps.

Movies (non-flight) and pictures of butterflies from the USA, Venezuela and Japan are also posted here. The non-flight movies were taken at the regular shutter speed (1/60 sec) in nature.

Additionally, samples of insect related projects including experiments performed on insects on their flight behavior, insect wing pictures and pictures of folding are included.

Enjoy Insect Flight and do not forget to send me an e-mail.

Mitch Denda


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